Home and Away

I have spent most of my adult life “away”. Away from my birthplace, away from my family and away from my native culture. Until I made New Hampshire my home in 2017, the previous 20 years found me living across four continents and immersing myself in foreign cultures. At times I felt a fleeting sense of “home,” while at other times I found myself in a strange land. This space between the foreign and the familiar is both what fuels my photographic practice and what inevitably shapes the perceptions of communities and cultures towards other strange or familiar aspects and individuals around the world. 

In the summer of 2018 I went on a photographic road trip around the United States. I visited old friends that I had not seen in a long time, spent time with them in their homes and with their families. I also explored the culture and landscape of this country that I had never seen before. The strange and familiar collided, as this was a journey through the American social landscape as seen and documented by many photographers since the inception of photography. The country that has been my home for most of my adult life merged with my photographic education and influences. My personal experience through this social landscape is also a journey through the American culture and its communities.