Traumatic Tourism

 Virtually every travel guide will have a section for the purpose of detailing the history of the region it is dedicated to. The guide will identify exact locations where historical events have occurred or where memorials have been erected to commemorate such events. Popular travel guides and tourism literature have designated these sites as “points of interest”. This term usually refers to the attention received by these sites that has been generated within a specific historical context. This historical context is comprise of two unique moments in time – First, that of the original event of to which the site refers and, then, that of the period of time in which the monument was created or the site was declared as such. These ‘historical sites’ hold together two different cultural references of two different times, but this is not the only reference they hold. In these ‘points of interest’ the personal interest of the tourist is called to match that of the public, the nation, or the canonic historical narrative.

In many cases, typical activities of tourists who visit such sites, will be just like of any other “points of interest” and will include taking photographs and being photographed, usually with the site or memorial in the background. Such photographs not only confirm that the photographer and company were in a particular place in a specific time, but also aim to capture the state of pleasure that this activity entailed.

I first photographed tourists while I was merely a tourist myself. These small glimpses into people’s own family albums and lives were not engaging enough for me without including my own interest in history, memorials, trauma and site. More particularly, I have found many moments of observing tourists in those sites to be self-referential. These touristy historical sites tend to be saturated and dominated by photography – People photograph themselves, they ask strangers to photograph them and they receive information about the history of the place from photographs presented to them by their guide or the site’s informational display. As a photographer, I have found this state of “hyper-photographization” to be a challenge to my professional identity and my personal identification. The very status of ‘a tourist’, to me, seems to be deeply connected to a particular and circumstantial point-of-view. In other words, through the artistic lens, one might find how closely related, even reciprocally defining, are the terms ‘site’ and ‘sight’.

“Traumatic Tourism” is a body of work that deals with the historical significance of sites and their transformation into tourist attractions. The way history is being diluted down to “historical designated” spots became evident to me while observing and photographing how tourists experience, interact and move through these sites and memorials so quickly.

In such places, tourism, photography and self-identification seem to meet and fuse under a specific approach to history. As claimed by many critics and scholars, trauma is a mental process that involves forgetting rather than remembrance. In my work, I have questioned this act of forgetting/remembering in the architecture of the historical site, as well as in the tourists’ activities in the site. The tension between the main goal of such a site – i.e. to eternalize the memory of a specific event – and the main goal of the tourists who visit there – creating a document that proves their visit – creates a tension between public and private histories.

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